Your Attention Please: Initiative 29 - Tao Leigh Goffe • Hulu

Journey through time with professor and DJ Tao Leigh Goffe as she uncovers her story at the intersection of Black and Chinese culture in this month's #Initiative29 episode.


Pink & Blue is featured here on Fox Soul’s Screening Room!


Charlie, a 20-year-old puts her dream on hold to cover her family's medical bills in the fastest way she knows how; dealing drugs.


“I like seeing people in dark places in their lives figuring it out on film because that’s all of us at some point or another. For me, from a Black Queer perspective I never see stories that center Queer Black characters who have had enough of the cards America has dealt them. Or even someone dealing with the intersection of addiction, anti blackness and homophobia in a post apocalyptic world.”

— Carmen on upcoming film “O RYAN “ A REBELLIOUS ACT PROJECT

Here is a short promo I directed

for Jennifer Esposito’s CHEW THIS

